With 11 million users around the world, the freeware Auslogics Disk Defrag is a dynamic tool to manage the file spaces on your computer hard drive. The super performing tool speeds up your slowing PC, optimizes its process functionalities and consolidates the empty spaces. As a result of Auslogics Disk Defrags performance one will get ultra fast defragmentation with extensive disk space consolidation and damage recovery from disk errors.
Auslogics Disk Defrag can defragment single and multiple files due to its special algorithms that are also compatible with VSS drives. It protects and enhances your system performance in real time and lets user better manage their disks with customizable disk map. The program is super fast and super efficient in optimizing your file system.
The Auslogics Disk Defrag merges scattered free spaces on your hard drive to make it a contiguous one. It can automate the defragmentation and let user make selection of files and folders. The unique aspect about the program is it uses intelligences in placing the file system and keeps your Master File Table clear. We must mention here that if your Master File Table gets fragmented improperly then assume your file system is going to fall apart in near future. Therefore, the Auslogics Disk Defrag delivers tremendous value in caring your PC.
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Smart Defrag is a safe, stable and easy-to-use disk defragmenter that provides you maximum hard disk performance automatically and intelligently. With the new generation of ultra-fast defrag engine, Smart Defrag 5 can not only defragment ...