Trial Bike Ultra freeware

Trial Bike Ultra

Version: 2.2.1 | Size: 13.29 MB | Filename: trialbikesetup.exe
Top Freeware Home  |  Games & Entertainment  |  Simulation  |  Trial Bike Ultra

The Trial Bike Ultra is one of the entertaining and awesome gaming console that can help you to become a great international trail star. Yes! The Trial Bike Ultra is one such gaming device that you would fall in love and it is one of the most famous heavy sports. Just pop into the heavy tank iron monster and get your journey to victory.

And the best part is that you get to take over the artificial and natural blocks which has never been fun before. The best part is that faster you move the more scores you get. And if you are looking out for some perfect moment to perform a given flip each second, then this game fits that. There is nothing that can stop or prevent your wheels from making the climb but it is not very much easy to do in a single arcade setup.  

There are four kinds of motorcycles available in various speed and weight. You can choose the one that fits you and the best part is that the 3D graphic would help you to view the game in great perspective and the relaxing soundtrack would offer the help you to take control over the best moment of the action. There are various levels of difficulty which is waiting for the given trail master to easily come and make a win.

The challenging gravity is great and there are no skeptic haters for this game. Basically, nothing is impossible if you are a skilled professional and the best one too with regard to mighty bike. The Trial Bike Ultra is seemingly the best exercise that you can get to do and is the perfect exercise that one can perform in order to develop their balance and get some fun.

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Trial Bike UltraSimulationWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 4.5 (311 votes)


File size:
13.29 MB

Last update:

Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

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Last versions of Trial Bike Ultra
Version Change log
Trial Bike Ultra 2.2.1
Nov 16, 2009
New Levels
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