KS Calculator freeware

KS Calculator

Version: 1.05 | Size: 0.42 MB | Filename: ks_calc.zip
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In general, the Ks_Calculator package is also including various options such as documentation source codes and compiled executables. This is the cost effective tool to get the exact result and it provides accurate solution.  It has high compatibility and efficiency with different platforms. This program is developed by using the standard C++. Moreover, the Visual C++ 6.0 help to get the superior performance.

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) reduces all the complications and the installation process is also simple. This program has been tested on the following platforms l such as IRIX, Solaris and AIX. Ks_Calculator having abilities to run on the IBM compatible computer this will works under  the Windows Operating System  and this also tested on the  Windows XP/ 2000. The Calculation process of  Ka & KS always involves 3 steps. The calculation also includes varied substitution models.

Ks_Calculator  is the most suitable  options to calculate the largest number of datasets and it helps to read the pair of sequences, by the way it effectively computes the corresponding estimates. In this process, it requires the memory promotional. This calculator provides variable options to the user. With the advance technology, you can able to choose the comfortable calculation methods. While doing the calculation, it considers variable parameters.

The Windows version provides varies capabilities like the friendly interface used to select the genetic code, methods and input sequences’ file for estimate KS and Ka.  During the process, it maximizes the capabilities after completed the calculation, it allows the user to export the appropriate result to the clipboard or a file.

In general, the KS calculator provides   very comprehensive information it is estimated from the compared sequences. These include numbers of nonsynonymous sites, numbers of synonymous, synonymous GC contents, nonsynonymous substitutions, AICC, and maximum-likelihood score.

Before doing the lengthy calculation you may test with this small sample will help to justify the validity as well as the accuracy of the program. The Ks_Calculator is the most suitable software package  this come with the different evaluating features  and this is the popular as well as leading to diverse.

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KS CalculatorMath & Scientific ToolsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003

User Rating: 4.5 (312 votes)


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0.42 MB

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Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003

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Last versions of KS Calculator
Version Change log
KS Calculator 1.05
Mar 6, 2006
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